I Dream Of Jeannie.... I used to love that show. Whenever things got tough Jeanie would just go into her little bottle. Wouldn't it be nice to have a place to go whenever things went wrong ?
As I get older I realize there is no way to escape the world. I am part of the world it is me and I am it. This was true from the moment I was born and it will never, ever change. No matter how hard it is I have no choice but to interact with the world. I am looking for ways to help me do just that. It is not quick or easy , but the rewards so far have been worth the time and effort.
Jeannie hid in her little bottle... I tried that, it didn't work, it made things even worse. My idea now is to live in the world as best I can. But, when I get panicked, scared and overwhelmed I need a place where I can go to recharge my batteries. Not a hiding place, a peaceful Oasis. A place filled with beautiful things and positive thoughts. It will be safe and soothing there. It will calm, soothe and nourish me. I can come and go as I please. No one but me holds the key.
My readings especially the teachings of The Dalai Lama have given me much to think about. I will close now with a quote from him that I really like.
"If You have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything , then also there is no need to worry"
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