Maybe being alone and isolated is a blessing and not a curse. Maybe not having friends or being in a relationship is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
This way I don't ever have to say "goodbye" What I think or how miserable I am is n0t important. Drones and drudges don't have pain and their thoughts are useless. There is no need for them to waste their breath on useless words or their thoughts on how they feel. Because no one is listening or gives a damn, and that will never, ever change.
I think I am going to quit "Lose It" . I am a good at quitting, so it's no big deal. I don't care about how I look anyway. Crazy people are ugly inside so what does it matter how big my ass is. or what I weigh. I think I may already be dead. That my life is some level of Hell for me to suffer through. Not only that, but there are millions of other levels after this one is done with me.
That's what is in my head... I don't care it anyone is offended by my words. It's not like what I say matters anyway. You have your mind made up about me anyway, because you know it all.
I used to think some of the same things about people like me. They scared me and I pretended to not see them, even when they were right in front of my eyes. Now here I am riding the crazy train to Looneyville. Turn your backs on me. Tell yourself I am faking or it's the drugs making me this way. Pretend that you are too good to ever be like me and I am weak or faking.
Sometimes the monster in the closet is real. He got me ,and is he would love to get you too.
No one is perfect or invincible not even you. Bad things happen in the blink of an eye after all. So don't ever blink again and you will be fine. If you do blink even once he will get you !
But then again, if this is a level of Hell it's too late for all that. You are already as lost and useless and insignificant as I am . So you can hear me say this one final word "Goodbye"
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