No matter how many times I tell my Mother that I am not coping well right now she keeps on pushing at me. Today we almost fought over whether we needed to buy olives and pop for my son. I told her we had them and had to show her too. Instead of getting upset I reminded her several times that I can't cope with a lot of extra things right now. She did not like the way I handled the situation and asked me not to use "that tone of voice" while my son is here because it upsets him
In reply I told her to stop treating me like a 4 yr old. She said she doesn't, I said "yes you do every time I do something you micromanage me like I am a child. I am 46 yrs old and a simple yes or no should be enough when I say something is taken care of.
"That tone of voice"as she calls it is better than me crying or us fighting . Even though my nerves are on edge and I am very depressed I am keeping my cool. She may not appreciate my approach but it is the lesser of 2 evils. I will not let her bait me into a fight no matter what.
I will make this holiday as nice as possible for my son. It is taking a lot of effort to keep my head above water right now. My son is all that matters, I will dog paddle as hard and long as I can for him. He is the one bright spot in my life, I love him with all my heart and am very proud of him.
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