Most people would describe physical attributes I suppose , but I am not like "Most People".
For me looks are not a priority. Although there are things that turn me off like no chin or a guy with a six pack. I don't go for the pretty boys. I am attracted to average guys with a good sense of humor. I don't much care if he has a fancy car or house either. That doesn't do it for me. As long as he is able to take me out on a nice date, all is good. I'm not materialistic, just realistic.
The qualities I appreciate most are honesty, a sense of humor, kindness, treating others with respect, non-judgmental, open minded, good communicator and keeps his word to me.
Plus he has to love dogs. I will not be with a cat person -Yuck !
I am not a bar or club type person. Long drives in the country , picnics , thrift stores and a quiet evening at home preparing a meal together and cuddling up and watching a movie are more my style. We used to have a large garden and I miss the satisfaction of digging in the earth and planting things. Nothing tastes better than vegetables grown with your own hands.
I would like to travel a bit when I am free to do so. Right now my parents need me so I am not able to do so. But it is something that I would very much like to do in the future.
I suppose when I look back at what I have written there is a theme. I am looking for an average type guy. One who is self sufficient, but not necessarily loaded with money. Someone to spend time with enjoying the simple pleasures that most people speed by without seeing. He should also be self confident, but willing to listen to other peoples ideas and learn from them.
Most important he must be able and willing to talk about things, instead of holding them inside. Being Bi-polar is not easy for anyone too live with. I know my mood swings are not easy to cope with. It's easy for someone to walk away from me because of that. I don't have that option. The man for me needs to be able to see things from my view, and be supportive and understanding when I hit a rough spot. By that I don't mean telling me that I should be happy. If that worked the pharmaceutical companies would have a hell of a class action suit brought against them.
This is awfully long and rambling. I don't see a way to organize it. So many thoughts are in my head right now that it is spinning. So I am not going to change it in any way.
I do want to add one thing. Marriage is very important to some women. If a man asked me I would consider it. At this point in my life I am not going to rush into something like that.
Personally a marriage ceremony is not a priority for me. If a man stood up with me in front of our family and friends and simply stated his love and made a verbal commitment to me that would mean more to me than any legal marriage license ever could.
I did the church wedding once, and it did not end well. I regret it very much now. At the time I was not mature enough to know that I was making a huge mistake.
Love is many things, but it does not need a legal document to make it lasting and real. I would never push a man to make more of a commitment than we both agree on.
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