These people don't get it, never will. They resent the fact that I don't work. I don't look disabled. So they assume that I am just a lazy, good for nothing freeloader.
If I believed them I would give up. Instead I go to my Psychiatrist and my counselor appointments and take my medicine. I have come a long way since '04 when I was diagnosed as Bi-Polar. I still have days when I simply can't function. Those are fewer and farther between now.
I have happy days and sad days just like everyone. Just because I am happy sometimes doesn't mean that I am "Cured". It just means that I am coping with my life exactly as it is. I know this this to be true , I live this everyday . But I also know that it would be a waste of breath to even attempt to explain it to them.
In closing I am gonna quote a line from "Gone with the Wind" that could be used in answer to those people that try to force their opinions on me.
"Frankly my dear , I don't give a damn"
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