My Daddy is the best one in all the world...He is the only man who was there for me whenever I needed him, no matter what. I took that for granted until about a year ago when we almost lost him.
He is an amazing man. A man who worked with his hands all his life. He could fix anything. Fear of failure never slowed him down. His curiosity about how things worked drove him to look inside to see for himself. Once he opened a brand new microwave for that very reason.
He is a self made man, never graduated from High School. He was at work as an Operating Engineer at the age of 19. He recently got a gold watch to honor him for being in the Union for 50 years. But in reality he was on the job for a bit longer.
One time when my son was in kinder garden I bought him a new "Power Ranger" toy. I was watching him play with it and I said. "You are gonna break that if you don't be more careful ". He looked up at me and said " It's ok , Pop can fix anything." Out of the mouths of babes. *lol*
I still think of that day, even now that my son is a grown man. My Daddy could fix anything. If he didn't already know how, he found out somehow. Then the next time that problem came up he knew just what to do.
You can fix anything with the right tool for the job. If you know how to use the tool that is . He has tools everywhere. In the basement, the garage and the shed. If nothing was quite right he used what he had and made it work. I have seen him do amazing things with a rusty chain a scrap of wood and a cinder block.
My son is like his "Pop" He is not afraid to tackle any job. He gets a book , searches the web, whatever it takes to find out how to. Then he gets what he needs and dives right in. He is the joy of my life. I love him very much, he is a good man.
The last 2 days have been very busy ones for me. I accomplished a lot. Both days I had to do some things and I did them. I was so busy I didn't have time to think.
Today there is nothing that I have to do. But I want to have that rush from accomplishing something , anything. I need to get motivated.
As I lay in my bed this morning the words "I can't" started sneaking in to my thoughts again. My whole day could have been a downer if I let that win.
So I searched and searched through my little tool box of coping skills until I found the right one. I took it in my hand and then smiled.
I worked at a store called Target once. The catch phrase for motivating the employees was, "I can do that" .We were gathered before the store opened and made to watch corny little motivational videos. It was annoying and the little song is still stuck in my head. "I can do that, I can do that... I can do anything ...I can do that" I hated it it was demeaning, like being treated like a brainless idiot.
Now , here I am using that stupid phrase to help me through this day. If someone had told me that phrase was a useful tool, I would have laughed in their face.
The right tool isn't always pretty and shiny and new. It could be a rusty chain, a scrap of wood and a cinder block. Like my Daddy I am gonna take this tool and dive in to this day. Once I do that, in the future I will know just what to do.
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