I had so many ideas in my head this morning to write about as I lay in bed this morning. They all held merit , but none of them satisfied me.
Finally I had to say to myself "STOP" . I had to let go of all of that manic inspiration. They were good ideas, but felt wrong somehow.
So as I lay there on my bed ,I shut my eyes and focused on breathing. In then out , count One. In and out count two till I reached 10. Then back at one again. Slowly my thoughts settled and my mind was at peace.
It wasn't easy. My mind wanted to wander aimlessly. But, each time it did I gently led it back to counting the breaths. Starting at one. No blame , no recriminations. I simply acknowledged the thought and let it go.
Then once I was able to calm myself I started to think about what I had just accomplished and how it could be applied to other parts of my life.
I found myself remembering Miss Barbara on Romper Room. I used to love Romper Room , even if she never did see me in that magic mirror.
She taught me to : Stop, Look and Listen before you cross the street, use your eyes and then your ears and then you use your feet.
I don't sing that song anymore when I cross the street. I don't think about that song anymore, haven't for a very , very long time.
Stop, Look and Listen . Useful tools for then and useful tools for now.
Life choices are like crossing that road - think about the game Frogger.
I know my life would probably be a lot different if I had done that a few times. Maybe better maybe worse. Fools rush in... Many times I have made or let myself be made a fool. Anyone who denies that is fooling themselves. Life is the teacher , we are the students. There is no text book , no lesson plan and no final grade. It simply "is what it is".
Stop~~~Look ~~~Listen ......> and ~~~Breath ~~~
Sounds simple four little words. I am tempted to use the word "try" about now. Yoda said something about that word. "Do or Do Not there is no try" So off I go to do- Shoulders back , head up and Eyes on the prize. Stumble I might , fall I may ...but Ever forward !!
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