I had a headache when I woke up this morning. Right away my mind started filling with the words "I can't" . One "I can't" turned into an army. They lined up in endless rows, with weapons at the ready.
I can't get out of bed. I can't get dressed. I can't go to the store. I can't blog... On and on. They were armed to the teeth and gaining ground fast. The little suckers seemed invincible.
With each "I can't" came more tension and stress. This caused every other ache in my body to hurt. Like little kids they wanted attention too.
"Can't never could do nothing" is a saying my Mother taught to me. She learned it from her mother. It is a good tool for this situation.
"Obstacles and Roadblocks" Life is full of them each and every day.
I could have viewed that headache as a roadblock and surrendered . I could have gone to bed laid in the dark and felt sorry for myself.
I decided to think of it as an obstacle instead. I stopped took a deep breath and refused to let it stop me from doing what I need to to today. I acknowledged the pain just as it was. I did not think of things that could happen to make it worse. I refused to let it take control of my day.
Taking back control of the day ...."I think I can, I think I can"
I repeated this over and over in my mind while I focused on my breathing. I let all the other thoughts go. When one sneaked back in I acknowledged it then let it go again and focused on my breathing again.
Victory ! It worked, I feel calmer and the headache has even let up. It is now a dull ache lingering on the edge of my consciousness. It is not gone but it is manageable. I changed that army that blocked my road into an obstacle that I can work around. Yippee for me !!!! *big smile*
I am going to end now. I have a few things that I can accomplish today. It's time for me to get moving. "I will , If I can and I'll try.... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. ....Ever forward!
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