Where to start ? This seemed so much easier when it was just an idea inside my head. My grandiose ideas seem to have headed for the hills. lol
I guess the best way to start is at the beginning of when I first realized that I do not think like a "Normal" person.
Now "Normal" is not a word that I am comfortable with at all. To me it implies that there is somewhere out there a blueprint or maybe a recipe for the ideal human being.
Height, color, shape, brain size... etc and so on.
What if we all could be that ideal ...Perfect .... model citizen of the planet Earth ?
We would all look alike, sound alike , think alike ...
Where would the Artists be, the Muscians , the inventors the innovators and free thinkers ? The people who look at the same world we all see but see solutions where the rest of us can only see the problem. The ones who give us music and art and bring beauty to our lives.
Are these people Abnormal because they don't work a 9-5 job behind a counter or desk ? What about the people who get their hands dirty working on your car , keeping your Telephone working or fighting fires ? Are they the normal ones ?
Education, Ethnicity, Geographical location, Family values, ...Whatever you experience - How you are raised, How you interact within your family , what your neighborhood is like, and even your self esteem are just a few of the things that define you as an individual.
Like snowflakes --No 2 humans are exactly the same ---Not even Identical twins.
So the fact that I do not think like a 'Normal Person" does not disturb me ....It excites me ! For you see ---I am not another cog to grind in a machine -Interchangeable and disposable. I am me ! The only one like me ---A diamond in the rough - Life is the jeweler and each experience that happens is one more cut...
The result ? Only time will tell . Will I shine or will I end up as diamond dust...The ultimate value is not in the end result --It is in the day to day process ... That which we call "Life"
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