The ages of birth to seven, are the most important in the childs development. In the first few years the child clings to its parents. During this time the child relies on the parents for guidance and answers about the world around them.
children are much like a blank canvas. Parents make all their decisions for them until they can do so for themselves. Mom and Dads word is law.
Is Parenting; a burden ? a responsibility ? or a privilege ? Maybe it is a bit of all three. For example bathing , feeding and caring for a child is a full time job. It can certainly feel like a burden some times. Ensuring their safety, well being and education is certainly a parental responsibility. Parental privilege is all those snap shots, ribbons , hugs and kisses that make all that hard work worth while.
That is all true up to a point. Adulthood changes everything. Once those kids go out on their own all bets are off. When their son or daughter does well it is all because of their great parents. Hard work be damned. Mom and Dad are the best.
Failure on the other hand, has nothing to do with the parents. The poor dears did everything right, sacrificed the best years of their lives. blah, blah, blah. Now look what she/he has done. How could they have done this to us ? *sob*
Consider once more the "Formative Years" From ages 1-7 our parents are the world to us. Their word is law. Basically we are their creation for better or worse. So, if they don't like the results, Oh well. They have only themselves to blame.
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