"I'll think about it tomorrow"
(Scarlett Ohara-Gone With the Wind)
I did that for many years. Difficult things seem easier if you can put them off instead of dealing with them right now. In reality it just makes things worse. Procrastination is a way of life for me. I clean to avoid paying bills for example. It doesn't make my bills go away. It just cost me late fees and hurts my credit. (Scarlett Ohara-Gone With the Wind)
I no longer admire Scarlett like I once did. Belle Wattling is the one I admire these days. She is a survivor , but still has a heart of gold. When the Yankees overran Atlanta she stayed and carried on her business regardless.
Was Belle just trying to make a buck ? I think she was just doing whatever it took to survive and provide for her son. She didn't run like the rest did. She stayed and protected what was hers. Her life wasn't easy, people were cruel to her. The proper ladies called her gold dirty when she tried to donate it to the hospital.
Only the much respected Melanie Wilkes saw the goodness in her. When Melanie accepted the gold from Belle no one dared say no. Rhett Butler called her his loyal friend and sometimes lover. Society just saw a dyed hair, painted faced, whore. They shunned her in the light of day and did business with her after dark.
When she spoke of her son her voice was full of pride, love and joy. The glow if her smile lit up her face. A Mother, a friend, a lover and a survivor. She never helped people for fame or personal gain. For her it was simply the right thing to do.
Scarlett is still with me and always will be. Belle is here too, and she refuses to be ignored. Whenever Scarlett says " think about it tomorrow". Belle says "Get off your butt , do it now ! ". Belle is the one I listen to the most. Even so things don't always go according to plan. Winning isn't always in the cards. "You win some, you lose some." The most important thing is that you get in the game !
** Ever forward**
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