My right wrist and hand started aching pretty bad last night. I applied some topical Arthritis medicine called Voltaren. It didn't help much so I put on a wrist brace. In the past I would have let this pain drive me to my knees. My day would be lost. I would have stayed in bed feeling sorry for myself. Instead of that I told myself that everyone has pain of one kind or another. It is a necessary evil.
Necessary ? Pain is always evil, but never necessary. On first glance that is very true. Let's look at this from a different angle for a moment. Pain is the only way our body can tell us that something is wrong. It is a warning . Slow down -- bumpy road ahead. Without pain we would just keep going and make things much worse. Pain is a part of life. Nobody likes it, but we all have to live with it anyway. The way we choose to look at pain is what matters most. Starting right now I chose to listen to my pain... to see it as a warning not an enemy.
*** Ever Forward ***
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