Bad things happen to good people. Sometimes you can't stop them sometimes you can. The excuse most people use is " I don't want to get involved."
Is it lack of time, interest or maybe compassion that makes them feel that way. My theory is they like to see the splat. Like watching Wile E, Coyote get outwitted by the Road Runner.
Are we our brothers keeper ? How responsible are we for our fellow human beings ? I don't think there is just one answer for those questions. My personal belief is that if I see someone about to be blindsided by a bus I try to save them. Even if it means that they will hate me afterwards.
It doesn't always work, some times people will get hurt no matter what you do. Life is dirty and messy sometimes. Some people don't want to be rescued. The decision to step in and disrupt another persons life is never easy. It takes courage to speak up ...I did this recently, I don't know the outcome. I can only hope that it works out for the best.
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