Such a beautiful morning !!! I woke up to the sounds of birds singing. A good nights rest had left me feeling happy and full of ambition. I smiled to myself ready to start the day.
Standing on my deck with coffee in hand I savored the sights and sounds of my backyard. My thoughts turned to all the things I wanted to accomplish today. First a nice long shower and get dressed. Then a few errands that I had been putting off for far too long. Last stop before home would be to select some flowers for the spot in the yard that I had lovingly prepared yesterday.
As I stood there feeling so good inside, I heard a car pull in. Turning to look I was surprised to see two old friends walk up the path. I hadn't seen them in a long time. The first to greet me was "If". I have known "If" longer than I can recall. "Should" came next and wrapped me in a tight hug." Should "and I have known each other since around the time I started first grade. Both of them used to be my constant companions. Recently for some reason we had just drifted apart.
We each got a cup of coffee. Then we all sat at the kitchen table for a visit. I paid close attention to the conversation at first. Then despite myself I found my eyes wandering longingly to that little patch of dirt ready and waiting to be planted. I began to get restless and to feel bad inside.
What if .... said "If" each time something was mentioned. You should have chimed in "Should."
On and on they droned until my nerves were stretched to the breaking point. I felt tears prickle at the back of my eyes. My good mood was totally gone now. My smile turned into a scowl, my shoulders slumped in defeat. My wonderful plans now seemed doomed to failure. All I really wanted to do now was give up, crawl back into bed and sleep. In short , I felt like a total loser.
Then I heard above all that negativity the sound of a single bird. It was singing a beautiful song of joy and hope. My heart began to feel different then. I straightened my shoulders and sat up straight and proud in my chair. "If" and" Should" just kept going on and on , but now I ignored them. Instead of falling under their spell again my mind began to drift to other things. All at once I remembered why I had been avoiding this gruesome twosome. They never , ever had anything positive to say. Gloom and doom was all they had ever brought to my life.
Turning around in my chair I quickly looked at the clock. Most of my day had been wasted on them, but all was not lost. I interrupted them mid sentence and firmly said. It's time for you two to leave. In the future if you plan on visiting me I must insist that you call well in advance.
After sending them on their way I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I had wasted way too much of my precious time on memories and regrets. It was past time to get on with my day.
Standing there in the stillness I began to think about the events that had just happened . What I "could " have done... I thought for a moment. Nope not going there !
Racing upstairs I turned on the shower and removed my robe. Stepping into the soothing spray of the shower I scrubbed away all the; Ifs, shoulds , woulds, and coulds . It felt so refreshing to just let all that ugly baggage go down the drain with the soap bubbles.
Seize the day I thought as I got dressed. Grabbing my purse and keys I turned for one more glance at my beautiful yard. Smiling to myself , I walked to my car , got in and drove away.
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