Armchair quarterbacks are the best athletes on Earth, they never fumble the ball. Jeopardy is a cinch to the know it all sitting on his couch screaming out the answers. Wheel of Fortune is " so easy a Cave man could do it."
Judge not that ye be not judged. Words to live by, but very few people do. It's easier and more fun to put others down. Small people with small minds are experts at this . They see anyone who is different as being flawed and defective. Only people like them are worthy of respect. I like to say they are "a legend in their own minds. I just pity them. Someday life will teach them the truth.
Because of my living and health situation I have had more than my share of people who have judged me without knowing all the facts. They are entitled to their opinions. "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one" We couldn't live very long without an "asshole" it's a biological necessity. On the other hand, Small minded ignorant fools , those we could quite easily do without.
Just for Today take time to be kind to someone a give them a compliment. Not for any reason just because you can. If you like it try it again tomorrow and the next day. Who knows , it may become a habit that will last a lifetime.
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