Atlas is said to have the weight of the world on his shoulders.Today I can almost imagine what that must feel like. Just getting out of bed took tremendous effort.
My foster dog is the only reason I finally got moving. She needed walked and fed.
She knows that I am feeling depressed, dogs are like that. This morning when I was coaxing her out of her crate she shyly kissed my cheek. She has never been that brave before. Her concern and love for me was stronger than her fear.
That's a very humbling thought. This little 15 lb dog who was cruelly abused is now taking care of me. I am supposed to be the brave and strong one in this relationship. The truth is way different. I am bigger , but she is braver. That is my first lifes' lesson from her. I know in my heart that is is far from the last.
** Ever Forward **
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